In between mealtimes the gore gets a bit heavier than Dexter though: lots of bodies dangling bloodily from multiple impalements, people getting their eyes gouged out with spouts of blood and then crawling around making cute little gasping noises of displeasure, body parts chopped off and left on display… all SORTS of fun and games for the little ones to enjoy.
And, best of all, it’s ABSOLUTELY CHILDREN FRIENDLY! Not a single smoker ANYWHERE in that world of psychopaths, cannibals, torturers, and merry-mayhem-makers! Open the popcorn and prop little Toodlums up in his or her bassinet to enjoy the nice fresh air of Hannibal!
I think the producers thought the same thing to some extent: that first season could have been a very satisfactory stand-alone with the way they wrapped things up.
Surprisingly the show continued! BUT… they didn’t get off scot-free. Amid all the happy blood and gore and nightly dismemberments of corpses with surgical saws, there was one dark element that polluted the family hour qualities of the show. Dexter’s sister would spend at least ten to fifteen seconds once a month or so SMOKING back in a corner someplace. Children were SEEING this on their TVs (even if they had to wipe a lot of blood off the screen first.)
Thankfully this abomination was finally cleaned up after outraged fans and antismoking nutso groups descended in their holy wrath, and the last season I saw (I’m one or two behind here) had the sister kick her nasty habit and the show’s writers were evidently forced to atone for their sins by writing antismoking dialogue (e.g. “Look! An ASH! What great evidence!! It’s 2010, no one SMOKES anymore!”) and scenes (e.g. the only smokers allowed are a sleazoid motel owner and a gang of pedophiles living under a bridge).
So now we know that it’s safe once again to allow our toddlers to laugh as Dexter hacks up his victims and analyzes the blood spatters that come pulsing out of their ripped jugulars!
Warms the cockles of yer hearts, don’t it?
Michael J. McFadden
Author of “Dissecting Antismokers’ Brains” who obviously has a few background prejudices in the area….