1. As a European citizen who looks in horror at the heinous consequences Prohibition and the so-called War on Drugs policies have had on drug producing and transit countries, in particular Latin American ones, I cannot help but feel ashamed by the total lack of support shown so far by European countries for the call made by sitting Latin American presidents to engage in an open debate to find alternatives to current drugs policies. More on this here: http://bit.ly/L58gXx
2. I do wholeheartedly welcome Uruguay’s initiative. So far, it is the only country in Latin America that seems to understand that decriminalising the demand while keeping illegal the supply is the worst of both worlds for producing & transit countries. I have no doubt it is going to be a difficult and challenging journey, but I hope the same rational approach will be applied to all drugs, not just marihuana. More on this here: http://bit.ly/PlsIa1
3. Talking of Uruguay, I have to say I’m rather disappointed by the reaction of the current president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, to its proposal. Instead of criticising Uruguay, Mr Santos could have said: I support Uruguay but we need a regional response. So, let’s take this opportunity to unite around Uruguay and move the debate forward. How ironic, for in an interview he gave last year he said, and I quote: ’I would be crucified if I took the first step’ Well, I’m afraid it is Mr Santos who is now trying to crucify Uruguay for taking the first step! More on this here: http://bit.ly/MoGmqm
Gart Valenc
Twitter: @gartvalenc
I’m not big on trying to predict the future generally, but if there’s one solid bet I’d be willing to make, it’s that marijuana will be legalized and taxed, and probably run completely by the government as an industry, within five years.”
You could very well be right Michael. Still though, there are some rather large special interests that the government will have to contend with first, like the pharmaceutical and prison industrial complex industries for starters; sadly, politicians get a lot of money from both.
“We all know how skilled the government has become at manipulating public opinion through the media.”
You’re right about that. What an understatement!
]]>I would go even a bit farther however, and say that it is almost inevitable that marijuana will be legalized and taxed within the next five years — regardless of who gets elected President.
We all know how skilled the government has become at manipulating public opinion through the media. We only have to look at the history of the War On Smokers to see that: even just ten years ago the idea of supporting widespread apartment bans or outdoor beach/park/plaza bans was almost unthinkable. Even indoor bar bans were something that 90% of the general population outside of Kookiefornia would have said would never happen beyond the gates of LaLa Land. Look how attitudes have changed and think how much of that change came about through deliberate engineering.
We’ll see that 50% get engineered upward. Why? Because the government NEEDS to legalize marijuana. Between the savings in judicial/enforcement/imprisonment costs and the gold mine of taxation, we’re looking at a policy change that will bring in 75 to 125 billion dollars a year. There is NOWHERE else that the government can turn to for that kind of money in any practical sense. And it will desperately need that kind of money to combat the total imminent collapse that our debt in the last few years has led us into.
I’m not big on trying to predict the future generally, but if there’s one solid bet I’d be willing to make, it’s that marijuana will be legalized and taxed, and probably run completely by the government as an industry, within five years.
]]>Everyone knows that to legalise and regulate would increase safety, take money out of the criminal gangs hands, create tax revenue and therefore provide more funds for treatment and education resources..
But hey, can’t let some logic influence important political decisions.. After all, most politics is conducted in logical fallacy..