Sinfully Summer – Aimée Duffy Blog Tour + Giveaway


SinfullyBannerHere to put a little sizzling sunshine in your life is the Sinfully Summer Tour!

The smash-hit contemporary romance novel by Aimée Duffy has just been released in paperback so take a look at the details to find out why fans are loving it! There will be reviews and guest posts along the way, plus the chance to win a personalised signed copy of the book.

Unknown-415Sinfully Summer – Aimée Duffy

What they say:

A Summer Bonkbuster perfect for fans of Jackie Collins, Tilly Bagshawe, Jilly Cooper and Victoria Fox!



Notorious heiress Alexa Green has certainly been enjoying her most recent girls-holiday in Marbella. Just as we thought, she’s been knocking back the cocktails and showing off her fabulous bikini body on the beach…


But rumour has it she’s also been spotted sneaking out of Enrique Castillo’s penthouse in the early hours of this morning – in nothing but her underwear! Our question is, doesn’t this fiercely private billionaire know what he’s letting himself in for?
He’s got the millions… and she knows how to spend them! So lie back on your sun lounger and get comfortable, because this summer fling is going to be a sizzler!


Review by Elizabeth Wright

The first thing that struck me about this book was the writing style. Duffy not only spins a good yarn, but also has an effortless and inspiring narrative voice. You can’t help but get caught up in all of her characters’ lives and while on the surface it is fun and happy, there is also a great deal of depth.

The story focuses on Ric and Elexa, two powerful young people with sexual chemistry that sizzles off the page. I challenge anyone not to get caught up in the husky manliness that is Ric. Both characters have a strong desire to prove to themselves and their parents that they have changed. While the locations and steamy chemistry is engaging, it is this desire to change that keeps you turning the page, because we all love a bad-boy/girl turned good. This is undoubtedly a perfect summer read, but prepare to get hot under the collar!


Click Here To Buy The Paperback

Want the book instantly? CLICK HERE to download the eBook via Amazon UK or CLICK HERE to download the eBook via Amazon US.

Author Bio:

PictureAimée writes steamy, contemporary romance for the 21st century woman who enjoys the 21st century alpha male. She’s addicted to reading, shopping and can’t go a day without music. When she’s not writing you can find her traipsing up the Ochils (weather permitting of course) or procrastinating on Facebook and Twitter.

Follow Aimée
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Enter the giveaway and you could land yourself a personalised signed copy of Sinfully Summer, the book readers have dubbed “Sexy”, “Fun” and a “Must Read!”

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CandleLit Author Services and Aimée Duffy reserve the right to amend the giveaway details at any time and without prior notice. No responsibility is taken in the event of prize non-delivery.


Book Review: Atlantis and The Silver City by Peter Daughtrey

Although I found Peter Daughtrey’s book interesting, I have little knowledge of the subject area, while a friend of mine has a firm interest in classical history. Given his intrigue in the book I thought it best to offer him the opportunity to review it. The following is Robin Temple’s review of Atlantis and The Silver City.

“Atlantis and the Silver City” is Peter Daughtrey’s account of his theory of the location of the mythical land of Atlantis. Born in England, the author now lives in the South of Portugal, pursuing his lifelong interest in ancient civilizations. A serendipitous find in a local museum in the Algarve sparked his hypothesis that the seabed of Southwest Iberia once formed the cultivated plains of Atlantis, the Northern mountains of which still exist in the Algarve. Based on the descriptions in the texts of the greek philosopher Plato, Daughtrey identifies Silves, as the eponymous capital of Atlantis.

The book is hard to categorise: it is partly a report, partly an exposition of the author’s hypothesis, interspersed with fictional accounts of the Atlantean past – akin to a docu-drama in book form. As you might expect, this mix of styles offers an unusual and riveting read. The author might not be a trained historian nor archaeologist, and certainly does not pretend his book is an academic text. Instead, from the word go you are taken on a journey of discovery, based somewhere between fiction and fact, and you are sure to be entertained.

It is a vibrant collection of matches between his interpretation of clues in Plato’s text and the landscape in Southwestern Iberia.  However, serious readers should approach with care and skepticism, as much of the supporting arguments come from like-minded laymen and the book does not relate the core hypothesis comprehensively to the academic literature. Much of the matches identified by Daughtrey are based on his correction of supposed mistranslations of Plato’s text. It is not necessary to be a expert in classical languages to imagine that the textual history of two thousand year old manuscripts leaves much for debate, even more so the interpretation and translation of single words. This uncertainty also allows for many different possible interpretations of the clues.

“Atlantis and the Silver City” should be read as the account of someone having fun unearthing clues in a historical detective story. Daughtrey’s writing style is very satisfying to read and he does not distance himself from the reader by using overly complex phrases or terminology. His use of different writing forms keeps the pace of the book interesting and the reader engaged, making it a good book to read even if you have no prior knowledge of the subject area. As a skeptic of the topic unfortunately Daughtrey failed to persuade me of the true location of Atlantis, but perhaps other readers might come to a different conclusion.

Grumpy Old Menopause – Carol E. Wyer Blog Tour & Giveaway!

Grumpy Old Banner

Hello and welcome to the Grumpy Old Menopause blog tour! Having taken the world by storm and rocketed up the charts to become the #1 best selling book on Amazon, this light and humorous guide to beating the more unpleasant symptoms of the menopause is essential reading for anyone going through or simply preparing themselves for this unavoidable change. So buckle up and let Carol E. Wyer show you how it’s done!


Unknown-305What they say:

‘Have you started to write post-it notes with your kids’ names on them? Do you need to change your underwear after every sneeze? Guess it’s time to read this book then. It’ll help you get through “that” time in your life with a spring in your step and a smile on your face.

With numerous suggestions, sensible advice and amusing anecdotes, Grumpy Old Menopause will help you sail through that tricky part of a woman’s life with ease and humour. It should prevent you from turning into Mrs Crabby or worse still, a demonic monster.’

An excellent mix of humour and sound advice. This book is a must-read for all women … I highly recommend Grumpy Old Menopause. It is the perfect blend of humour and excellent advice to help all women sail through the menopause.” – Nicky Snazell, Fi STOP Consultant Physiotherapist in Spinal Pain, Fellow of Institute for the Study and Treatment of Pain. International Lecturer in Pain and Health.

Click Here To Buy This Book – UK

Click Here To Buy This Book – US

Review by Elizabeth Wright:

When it comes to women’s issues and comedic honesty I am all ears, so I knew I would love Carol E Wyer’s latest book even before I picked it up. And I wasn’t disappointed. The title may suggest that the book is only suitable for women of a certain age, but in reality the ideal audience is considerably wider. Although I doubt many men would read it, I’d recommend this book to men and women of all ages.

If you’re going through the menopause it will ease your worries and give you a good belly laugh in the process. If you are younger, or male then this book will give you an insight into a very natural aspect of life and help to dispel the taboo that has accompanied it for so long.

All comedy aside, it is evident from the outset that this book has been written with female experience and emotion in mind and it is some of the sincerest writing I have read in a long time.


photo (42)Author Bio

I have always written stories. My early stories were for children and sported silly titles like Humphrey and the Dustbin Cats, Hurrah for Hugo! and Noir and Blanc – Two Naughty Cats. They taught French language to younger children and were accompanied by a tape of French songs, mercifully not sung by me.

I began writing for adults after my son left home. I converted his old bedroom into an office and set about writing humorous novels largely aimed at women of a certain age.

The rest is history. Following much media success with Mini Skirts and Laughter Lines, I signed the Amanda Wilson novels with Thornberry Publishing. In 2012, I was lucky enough to be offered a three book deal with Safkhet Publishing. They have published How Not to Murder Your Grumpy and Just Add Spice, and released Grumpy Old Menopause, the sister book to How Not to Murder Your Grumpy, in December 2013.

I now write full-time. When I am not working on a novel, I’ll be writing articles for magazines such as Woman’s Weekly, or blog posts for The Huffington Post and Indies Unlimited.

My books aim to encourage as many people as possible to age disgracefully and enjoy life. After all, life is short and ‘he who laughs…lasts!’

Find Carol

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BBC Breakfast1A Grumpy Old Success

Since its release, Grumpy Old Menopause has been featured on no less than 28 radio stations and the Staying Young Show over in the US. Magazines have come-a-knocking too, with articles in Take a Break, Women’s Weekly, Women and Golf Magazine, Wolverhampton Magazine and Staffordshire Life, while the bright lights of prime time TV also beckoned when Carol was interview on BBC Breakfast Television in November 2013 – click here to watch the interview.




Win a signed copy of Grumpy Old Menopause and an edible Chocolate Scrabble board game – ‘helps improve your brain and when you’re angry eat the pieces,‘ says Carol.

Easy Entry via the Rafflecopter below:

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Terms and conditions

Carol E. Wyer and BestChickLit reserve the right to cancel or amend the giveaway at point.


Checking Inn – Emily Harper Blog Tour and Giveaway!


Checking Inn Tour Banner

Welcome to the Checking Inn Blog Tour!

After storming up the Amazon charts with the brilliantly funny White Lies, Emily Harper has now released her second rom-com novel Checking Inn. Find out all the details, read reviews, guest posts and enter the tour giveaway as the book visits a selection of fantastic blogs . . .

What they say:

‘Kate Foster runs the Summerside Inn (and her life) by well-organized checklists.

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000032_00025]Make sure the caterers don’t serve devil’s food cake to the Christian Women’s Alliance– check.

Tell my mother that having a séance to get rid of any unwanted spirits in the kitchen during dinnertime is not okay- check.

Send a friendly reminder to all staff that the pens are colour coded for everyone’s enjoyment, and therefore it is not a good idea to put them all in one jar in order to “spice things up” as was anonymously suggested– check.

But, when an acclaimed hotel critic dies at the Inn, just before she’s about to publish a scathing review that would ruin the business, Kate’s life and checklists are thrown into disarray. And it doesn’t help matters that the detective assigned to the case is messy, unorganized, and too charming for his own good. Now Kate has to prove her innocence and save her Inn, or else the only thing that she’ll be organizing is the prison’s next bake sale.’
Click Here To Buy This Book – UK

Click Here To Buy This Book – US

Review by Elizabeth Wright

Emily sets out to create unusual protagonists that tap into something different in each reader and in Checking Inn she has certainly succeeded. Unless you have OCD it is fairly difficult to empathise with someone who does, yet somehow the main character, Kate, slowly gets into your head and before you know it you are completely on her side. Throw in a little murder mystery intrigue and a roguishly handsome detective to balance her out and you have the perfect escape after a busy week.

Harper’s writing is easy to read and her characters are believable. Some you’ll love and some you’ll hate, but you will certainly find yourself invested in several of them. The small town Kate lives in sounds idyllic, but the descriptions of Summerside Inn make it a dream destination. If only it were real and I could visit (although I wouldn’t be so interested in the Botox offer!). Overall this is a lovely weekend read and ideal for anyone wanting to relax and forget about their own problems for a while.


emily-harper-head-shotAuthor Bio:

Emily Harper has a passion for writing humorous romance stories where the heroine is not your typical damsel in distress. Throughout her novels you will find love, laughter, and the unexpected!

Originally from England, she currently lives in Canada with her wonderful husband, beautiful daughter, mischievous son, and a very naughty dog.

Emily is also the author of the funny and charming novel White Lies, which has proven to be a huge hit with fans. The book will even be appearing on The Marilyn Denis Show as a giveaway next month! For more information on the book please visit or

Ways to stalk follow Emily

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Emily Harper has generously donated some amazing prizes for 3 lucky winners! Take a look at what is up for grabs with easy entry via the below Rafflecopter:


1st prize: Kate spade clutch, nail polish and signed copy of checking inn

2nd prize: signed copy of checking inn

3rd prize: ebook of checking inn

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Terms and Conditions

This is an international giveaway. Three winners will be drawn through the above Rafflecopter widget and prizes will be awarded in the order they are selected. BestChickLit and Emily Harper reserve the right to amend or cancel the giveaway at any point without prior notification to entrants.


Emily Harper Books

The Couple on The Green – Avie Bennett Blog Tour!

The Couple on the Green Tour Banner

Welcome to the The Couple on the Green Blog Tour!

Come and take the emotional journey that is The Couple on The Green and find out about the book readers are raving about.


product_thumbnail.php_What they say:

‘The course of true love never did run smooth, but is holding onto true love worth a lifetime of pain? Isobel and James are the couple everyone wants to be; wildly in love, compatible in every way and caught up in the sexually adventurous haze of young love, but just as they accept this life as theirs forever it is torn away from them. Theirs is the tale of an all-encompassing love-of-a-lifetime and the excruciating pain that so often accompanies it. This is the story of the love we all search for, but few can hold onto. James and Isobel get a second chance, but is it ever possible to get a happy ending?’

 Review by Max Radford:

The couple on the green is a story about the battle of true love. It’s realistic and heartfelt and at times heart breaking. A story that will resonate with a wide audience, make you feel the wave of love, the pain of loss and the contentment of true happiness.

It is the kind of book you can’t help yourself from getting absorbed in; you find yourself rooting for Isobel and James from the beginning. I felt like I cried with them during the hard times and smiled with them when they felt joy.

Quite simply, you can’t get away from this book. It stays with you and will make you think about your own relationships. One of the most realistic love stories I’ve read in a very long time.


Click Here To Buy This Book – UK

Click Here To Buy This Book – US



‘This is really an excellent debut, perfect for fans of Nicholas Sparks and lovely romantic (even heart-breaking) stories.’


– Marina, This Chick Reads


IMG_1396_C_fb-1024x687Author Bio:

Avie Bennett started writing at the age of fourteen and never really stopped. She’s had her work published in magazines, journals and newspapers but says she ‘never really thought’ to write a novel. That is, until recently when a burning desire bound her to do so.

Avie lives with her husband and children in Hampshire, England. When not writing, she can be found enjoying other creative pursuits such as art, music and photography.


Author Links

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr



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Extraordinary Retribution – Erec Stebbins Blog Tour

Extraordinary Ret. Tour Banner

Welcome to the Extraordinary Retribution tour!

Find out all the information on Erec Stebbins’ new political thriller that readers are calling ‘dark’ and ‘engrossing’, plus enter the tour giveaway for the chance to win yourself a signed copy of this chilling novel.

Unknown-315What they say:

‘Sometimes evil is not born of madness, but madness of evil.

A rogue CIA agent partners with the brother of a slain colleague to uncover a conspiracy deep in the intelligence community. But a shadow follows them: a killer bent on a revenge so terrible, it is only matched by the crimes committed against him. In the end, no one escapes unscathed, no beliefs will go unchallenged, and no wrong will escape the terrible, final, and extraordinary retribution.’ 

My Review

In my mind a good book should be a form of escape. Some offer the warm and comforting confines of a friend’s arms, a love affair or a dream realised. Others offer a tumultuous journey of adrenalin, shady characters and murder. Erec Stebbins’ latest novel is without doubt a fine example of the latter category and my advice to you would be to approach with energy, focus and the desire to be thrilled, shocked and enlightened.

You can always tell when an author has given everything to his novel and Stebbins’ work is surely a testament to this. His characters are fully developed and believable, his dialogue quickly entraps you in this world of intrigue and the pace will sweep you along without any hope of letting you leave before the final page has been read. Personally I think Extraordinary Retribution is best experienced in hardback or paperback (as long as you can grip it in your hands and experience the whip of the page as it turns!) but whatever format you choose, this should definitely be on your ‘to read’ list for 2014.

Click Here To Buy This Book – UK

Click Here To Buy This Book – US

Author Bio

Erec Stebbins is a biomedical researcher who writes political and international thrillers, science fiction, narrated storybooks, and more.

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